Canadian Maple Leaf

Canadian Maple Leaf
The Great White North

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy Healthy New Year!

An oldie, yet a goodie!

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Welcome Back Grade 11 & 12 Students!

We hope you have had a wonderful summer where you have all read, relaxed and rejuvenated.

Grade 12 students:

You have until the day of your novel exam to submit your TIMETOAST & LETTER TO ONE'S FUTURE SELF.

Your Novel Exam will be either on Monday Sept 15th or Tuesday Sept 16th (depending on your timetable).

Grade 11 students:

Both Saroa and Mirian welcome you to Grade 11.  We hope you make use of this blog and our moodle when it is up and running.  In the meantime, make sure you have your reader/novel for your October Novel Exam and the rest of the books you need. 

I hear and I forget.

I see and I remember.

I do and I understand.

(Chinese Proverb)

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Grade 11 Students: Minimoak

Linking Devices practice:

Word Formation practice:

Writing practice:

Preparation for Minimoak will be:
Thursday 9.45 - 10.40 Essay Writing & Linkers with Mirian
Thursday 10.40 - 11.35 Word Formation Preparation with Gillian
Friday 8.50 - 9.45 Phrasal Review & Reading Techniques with Mirian
Monday 8.50 - 9.45 Mirian  Reading Techniques and doubts
Tuesday 8.50 - 9.45 Mirian Reading Techniques and doubts

Friday, 30 May 2014


My dear Grade 11 soon to be Grade 12 students:

Remember your summer homework:

-180 word essay to your Future Self.  Along with this, do not forget to send me your timeline which is to be done:

-The following novels / readers can be bought at either Jakinbide or Lauaxeta:

-Your Novel as your exam is in September:

Penguin Readers Level 5:   The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Author: Mitch Albom
Level: Upper Intermediate
Exam: September 2014

-Your Novel for your December exam:

Penguin Readers Level 5:   The Grapes of Wrath
Author: John Steinbeck
Level: Upper Intermediate

Exam: December 2014

Check out the following to obtain practice in preparing for you FCE / CAE or CPE exams:

To assess your English Level:

To work on the different skills:

Have a super summer!

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Grade 12 Students:  Preparing for Selectivity & Minimoak

Enclosed you will find the answer to selectivity exams 6 & 7 and to the exam that 2A and 2B did last week.  Go over them and give me your essays.

Enclosed you will find the answer to selectivity exams 9 & 10. Go over them and give me your essays.

Bear in mind that the Minimoak exam will take place next Tuesday, June 3rd at 09.00 in room Batx 2A.  You will have a choice of 2 selectivity exams, choose one and do it including the essay.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Grade 12 Global Exam:

Tuesday May 20th at 9.45 in room Grade 12 A

- Writing: Discursive or Opinion Essay (160 - 180 words)

- All linkers / all word formation / all phrasal verbs from list and units 1 - 8

- The respective grammar and voculabury which you are reponsible for according to

the terms which you are responsible for

Selectivity Preparation Course:

Have everything done for our first session. Make sure you have skimmed all the notes and have done the activities which are to be checked by going to:

Make sure your essays are done for this first session so as to give them to me and make sure you have stated what kind of writing it is.

Friday, 25 April 2014

Learn to Revise your Writing

Create your very own revision table to make sure you obtain the mark you deserve!

Friday, 28 March 2014

Grades 11 & 12 French and English June Intensives:

Registration is now open for the June intensives.  Remember that we need 6 people to open up a group and be able to offer these intensives and no more than 13 students will be allowed to be in these groups as they are intensives.  Also bear in mind that first come first serve ...


Grade 10 & Grade 11 Creative Writing Finalists will finally fight it out on Tuesday April 29th at 14.00.  May the most inspired writers win and good luck to everyone! 

Thursday, 20 March 2014


The 3 finalists who will go on to the final are:

Nerea Godoy, Andoni Sanchez, Olaia Kintana

Special Merit goes to Xabier Apodaka

Sunday, 9 February 2014

June 2014 School Of Official Languages Exams:

Registration:  Feb 24th -  March 20th inclusive

June 2014 Cambridge Language Assessment Exams:

Orals for the March FCE & CAE:  Fridays 11.35 - 12.00 Room Grade 11E

Registration for the June Exam:  British Council Bilbao

June FCE Two-week Preparation Intensive here at Begoñazpi:

Information coming to you shortly